순번 | 제목 | 주요 내용 | 제정 | 개정 | 상태 | 첨부 | |
원문 | 번역 | ||||||
34 |
Guidelines 07/2022 on certification as a tool for transfers |
국외이전수단(인증) |
33 |
eGuidelines 04/2022 on the calculation of administrative fines under the GDPR |
과징금 산정 기준 |
'22-05-22 |
'23-05-24 |
채택 |
32 |
Guidelines 04/2021 on codes of conduct as tools for transfers |
국외이전수단 |
'21-07-07 |
'22-02-22 |
채택 |
31 |
Guidelines 03/2021 on the application of Article 65(1)(a) GDPR |
EDPB 분쟁조정 |
'21-04-13 |
채택 |
- |
30 |
Guidance on certification criteria assessment (Addendum to Guidelines 1/2018 on certification and identifying certification criteria in accordance with Articles 42 and 43 of the Regulation) |
인증기준 평가 지침 |
'21-04-06 |
공개 |
- |
- |
29 |
Guidelines 02/2021 on Virtual Voice Assistants |
가상 음성 도구 |
'21-03-09 |
'21-07-07 |
채택 |
- |
- |
28 |
Guidelines 01/2021 on Examples regarding Data Breach Notification |
유출통지 신고사례 |
'21-12-14 |
채택 |
27 |
Guidelines 10/2020 on restrictions under Article 23 GDPR |
권리행사 제한 |
'21-10-13 |
채택 |
26 |
Guidelines 09/2020 on relevant and reasoned objection under Regulation 2016/679 |
원스톱샵 분쟁조정 |
'20-10-08 |
'21-03-09 |
채택 |
- |
- |
25 |
Guidelines 08/2020 on the targeting of social media users |
소셜미디어 이용자 타겟팅 |
'20-09-02 |
'21-04-13 |
채택 |